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Who we are ?

WeylChem Lamotte is the owner and principal operator of the Lamotte Industrial Platform.

His specialty is the production of glyoxal and glyoxylic acid for which he is the world leader. It is a major ingredient of artificial vanilla. The site has multi-purpose workshops in fine chemistry that produce derivatives and intermediate products for the pharmacy, agrochemistry, agri-food, cosmetics and detergency sectors.

WeylChem Lamotte has a sulfuric acid and sulphur dioxide (SO2) manufacturing line for various industries such as fertilizers, batteries, etc.

Through its activity, WeylChem Lamotte is classified as a SEVESO site. A special protection plan is established under the control of the authorities.

WeylChem: Investment in Specialty Chemicals Assets

Article N°1

Article N°2

Article N°3

Human Ressources

Human-sized company (450 employees) in the fine chemicals sector.

Established for more than 125 years on the edge of the Forest between Compiègne and Soissons, our company remains at the forefront of technology.

Our teams dedicated to Research and Development of new products have excellent technical expertise and are recognized by our partners.

Our multi-product and custom-made workshops allow us to best meet the needs and developments of the market. Our customers are loyal and use our products in a wide variety of fields such as pharmacy, cosmetics, energy storage or the food industry.

With good working and wage conditions, a very low turnover rate, average seniority of 21 years and real possibilities of evolution, our company offers the means to its employees to develop.

WeylChem Lamotte’s activity is structured around five main sectors

Production: 6 production services
Laboratories: Quality Control and Analysis, R&D, Process Development
Technical services: Maintenance, Methods, Design office
Safety and environment: ESHA, Safety, Safety, Inspection, STEP
Administration and sales: Logistics, Transport, Legal, Accounting, Purchasing, HR, Commercial, etc.
Some non-exhaustive examples of the trades practiced at WeylChem Lamotte

Recruitment in WeylChem Lamotte

You would like to join us? Send us your application by email: recrutement.lamotte@weylchem.com

Students: internships and alternance

WeylChem Lamotte, a company involved in training tomorrow’s talent

Each year, WeylChem Lamotte hosts:

about fifty trainees: CAIC, TFIC, Bac Pro, BTS, DUT, Stage ouvrier, Ingénieur, etc.

The partner schools:

The partner training centres:

Equal opportunities at Weylchem Lamotte

WeylChem Lamotte, a company committed to professional equality

Follow Weylchem Lamotte on

Corporate Social Responsibility

WeylChem Lamotte is a signatory of the global charter of «Responsible Care», a voluntary commitment to progress of Chemical Companies.

For WeylChem Lamotte, being a responsible company is concrete through actions and solidarity initiatives

Our commitments:

Say goodbye to the butts!

Eco-Pasture at Weylchem Lamotte

Make your donations for the Telethon

The territorial anchoring and the development of the dialogue with local actors are essential stakes for WeylChem Lamotte who wants to remain an important player in local economic development.
