Plan for the Prevention of Technological Risks
Regulates the urbanization around high threshold SEVESO sites.
On the basis of the hazard study, the authorities (DREAL and DDT) develop the PPRT, which define zones around industrial sites.
Urban Planning Assessment

The PPRT sets the planning standards (for existing and future construction) around industrial sites. It is drawn up by the authorities, in consultation
with the relevant stakeholders; elected representatives, associations and local residents, during the Site Monitoring Commissions (CSS).
Lamotte Site
The PPRT was approved by a french authority on December 19, 2014.
The measures to reduce risks at source, implemented by Weylchem Lamotte, for an amount of 9.2 million euros, make it possible to reduce
considerably the constraints related to urban planning:
- no expropriation area around the site,
- no abandonment zone: the possibility for residents to oblige the community to acquire their property,
- constraints on existing and future buildings considerably minimized.
Rescue Plan
The Internal Operation Plan (POI) is triggered by the operator in case
of accident at the industrial site. This plan defines:
- measures of organization,
- methods of intervention,
- means of protection for the persons present on the site.
The Emergency Response Plan (PPI) is a plan initiated by
The prefect when a serious accident occurs that can have an impact beyond
the industrial platform. This plan defines :
- rescue organization,
- emergency response procedures,
- measures envisaged for the protection of the population outside the industrial park.

Staff training
The platform of Lamotte serves as a location for training exercises
organized by the firefighters of the various rescue centers in the area.
Firefighter training
Members of the Platform Crisis unit are trained regularly to improve their responsiveness to hazard situations.
Public Information
Town halls, prefecture
The Site Monitoring Committee (CSS), chaired by the sub-prefect, defines the preventive information actions of local stakeholders and the population within the
Perimeter of the PPI (Emergency Response Plan). This committee meets at least once a year.
The “Weylchem, mastering industrial risks” brochure is communicated to the local residents and distributed by the Town halls in the municipalities of TROSLY-BREUIL, CUISE-LA-MOTTE, BERNEUIL-SUR-AISNE, COULOISY, RETHONDES, SAINT-CREPIN-AUX-BOIS, ATTICHY.
Note the radios that will transmit the official instructions and save the frequencies:
▪ CONTACT FM 100.0 MHz
▪ Radio PUISALEINE 100.9 MHz

The roles of everybody
The Prefect has information documents prepared for the population.
The industrial operator is responsible for the risks and provides the information necessary for the preparation and finances the information brochures.
The elected representatives of the exposed municipalities ensure the distribution of this document among their populations and display the safety instructions
In case of an alert.
Familiarize yourself with the warning siren
Test of alert | 1 sound curve | 1 time 1mn 41s
Test of the siren the 1st Wednesday of the month at 12h.
Sound rising and falling in 1 cycle of 1mn 41s.

Start of alert | 3 sound curves | 3 times 1mn 41s
The beginning of the alert is a modulated sound of the factory siren: Sound rising and falling which comprises 3 cycles of 1mn 41s.

End of alert | 1 sound curve | 1 time 30s
The end of the alert is announced by an unmodulated sound signal sirens for 30s.
The radios will confirm this alert.

Good habits in case of alert
Do not go out
Do not open windows
Do not hinder rescue services
Do not use the telephone
Do not call the factory or public services.
During the alert, the telephone lines must remain at the disposal of the rescue services.
Close everything
Close doors and windows.
Stop ventilation
Seal all openings, the doorways of the doors and windows.
Protect yourself
In case of respiratory discomfort, breathe through a damp thick cloth.
If irritation occurs, wash profusely.
Take shelter
Enclose yourself in a sealed room.
Do not stay in your vehicle.
Do not stay outside.
Avoid any flame or spark
Do not smoke.
Avoid any flames.
Avoid turning on or off the lights, or electrical appliances.
Do not get your kids from school
Do not attempt to reach your or pick up your children at school.
They are protected there. Teachers apply safety rules.